Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Google Buys Nik to Lure Photographers to Google Plus - NYTimes.com

Part of a Google+ ++ strategy?  Also see Google Says Google+ Has More Than 100 Million Users (WSJ)
"With Nik and other services, Google is trying to differentiate itself from Facebook and other photo-sharing sites with more advanced photo editing. Google, which owns Picasa and Picnik, the online photo editor, has incorporated their high-end tools into Google Plus, including adjusting light and pixel size, sharpening or softening colors and applying filters.
Google seems most interested in Nik’s mobile and online tools and how they can improve Google Plus. Google declined to say whether or when it would discontinue any of Nik’s other products, like desktop software for professional photographers."
Google Buys Nik to Lure Photographers to Google Plus - NYTimes.com

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