Friday, August 31, 2012

Could Apple and Google Be Headed for Detente Instead of Nuclear War? - By Ina Fried and John Paczkowski - Mobile - AllThingsD

The long-term losers in this context include the competitors that don't have $Bs to invest in acquiring patent portfolios to facilitate favorable cross-licensing agreements (and potentially consumers, if the platform oligopolists don't stay focused on customer priorities)
"With the Apple-Samsung trial having raised the stakes in the mobile patent wars, it appears that the two major combatants are at least willing to talk about how the hostilities might end.
As first reported by Reuters earlier today, the chief executives of both companies recently met to at least broach the subject. "
Could Apple and Google Be Headed for Detente Instead of Nuclear War? - By Ina Fried and John Paczkowski - Mobile - AllThingsD

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