Thursday, June 21, 2012

Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8 Event: A Partial Monty | Techland |

Check the full article for a list of new features -- and issues, e.g., the fact that Windows Phone 8 won't be an upgrade option for currently-available Windows Phone devices
"Such a magical game changer didn’t come today, and probably doesn’t exist. All Microsoft can do is continue to improve the platform, encourage leading publishers to bring popular apps to it and try to make it possible for developers to write programs that are not only as good as ones on iOS and Android, but better. It’s doing all that.
The company also needs to be patient, and it needs to cross its fingers. My guess is that if Windows Phone ever breaks through, it’ll be due to Google fumbling Android as much as Microsoft getting things right."
Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8 Event: A Partial Monty | Techland |

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