Monday, November 14, 2011

Kindle Fire review | The Verge

Concluding paragraphs of another Kindle Fire review

Still, there's no question that the Fire is a really terrific tablet for its price. The amount of content you have access to — and the ease of getting to that content — is notable to say the least. The device is decently designed, and the software — while lacking some polish — is still excellent compared to pretty much anything in this range (and that includes the Nook Color). It's a well thought out tablet that can only get better as the company refines the software. It's not perfect, but it's a great start, and at $200, that may be all Amazon needs this holiday shopping season.
Want to see how the Kindle Fire stacks up against the Nook Tablet, iPad 2, and Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus? Check it out right here in our product comparison!

Kindle Fire review | The Verge

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Kindle fire, a perfect transportable reading device which allows you to now and again jump over into the browser or mail app to catch up there. I won't be "working" with the Fire.

    Kindle fire reviews


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