Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Why Amazon's tablet will challenge Apple in a way that Google cannot | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Excerpt from another insightful Amazon snapshot (via Volker Weber)

Why, when there are dozens of different tablets out there – from Samsung to Acer to Asus to RIM to Motorola to HP's TouchPad (very limited stocks only!) to, I don't know, throw a stone and you'll hit someone making a tablet – why should it be that it's only when Amazon comes to the tablet table that people think it will make a difference?

Two simple reasons: Amazon is a conduit to lots of content; and, just as importantly, it already has a way for you to buy content from it. Like Apple, it is one of the 10 biggest merchant holders of credit card numbers in the world (along with companies such as eBay, PayPal, Sony through the PlayStation Network and Microsoft through its Xbox Live system).

Why Amazon's tablet will challenge Apple in a way that Google cannot | Technology | guardian.co.uk

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