Wednesday, September 28, 2011

No, You Aren't Going to Quit Facebook [Mashable]

Excerpt from a timely Facebook reality check

That broad social reach means cutting the service out of your life is easier said than done. Sure, it’s fun to say “I’ll delete my account and never log in again,” but as soon my cousin posts photos of her new baby and makes those photos only visible on Facebook… well, that kind of kills my resolve.

It’s more than just our social ties that keep us connected to Facebook. Many apps and services are reliant on the network too. When Spotify integrated itself with Facebook last week, the popular streaming music service also added a new requirement for new sign-ups: Facebook membership. We can argue whether that approach is right or wrong, but Facebook as a login identity is something that is only going to increase with time, not decrease.

No, You Aren't Going to Quit Facebook

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