Friday, April 29, 2011

The Return of Clippy - James Fallows - Technology - The Atlantic

Some creative product training resources from Microsoft

Here is a question I wish I could answer: Is this Microsoft tone genuinely corny-earnest, reflecting the kind of middle-school pep-rally sensibility that you can only imagine Apple hipsters sneering and snickering at (making you want to punch the hipsters) and Google engineers looking at in amazement? Or is it triple-backflip hipsterism itself, an Onionesque by-golly mockery of corniness? I suppose this is one of the enduring mysteries of life. If you'd like to judge for yourself just how hep this new feature is, check out the video below. And even I have to admit that plucky little Clippy in the scenes above and below is winsomely appealing.


The Return of Clippy - James Fallows - Technology - The Atlantic

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I'd bet on failed triple reverse backflip hipsterism: An uncool attempt at mock corniness.


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