Sunday, February 06, 2011

Apple Patents a Stylus to Reach Students -

I’m also still betting we’ll see a smaller-screen iPad, despite the Steve Jobs “sandpaper” comment, once Android slate sales patterns permeate the Apple Reality Distortion Field

Steven P. Jobs, Apple’s founder, has repeatedly said that a pen on a tablet is a sign of failure. During an iPhone product presentation in 2007, and again in 2010, Mr. Jobs said, “If you see a stylus, they blew it.” But that should be taken with a grain of salt, from the salt shaker used when you heard Mr. Jobs say that the company would never build an e-reader, phone or inexpensive computer, and later released all three products.

So why would Apple add a stylus to an already successful iPad? According to a person who works at Apple on the iPad and is not allowed to speak publicly about the company’s coming products, the reason to add the stylus is to reach a wider number of children in school. “It’s one of the barriers for school kids and college students to purchase an iPad where they want the ability to take notes by hand and draw in class,” the individual said.

Apple Patents a Stylus to Reach Students -

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