Monday, November 15, 2010

Samsung plans to smash Android rivals..what about the iPad? • The Register

Excerpt from a Samsung snapshot – with major market momentum (“Samsung's Galaxy S has shipped 7 million units and has set targets of 20 million for this year – plus one million tablets”)

So far, much of the impact of the Galaxy S will have been felt by other Android vendors such as Motorola or Sony Ericsson, whose smartphone growth has been slower than Samsung's. However, Apple is starting to lose some ground to the Google platform too, and the Korean OEM's advantages make it the most dangerous of the Android OEMs to the iPhone.

It has even greater economies of scale and purchasing power than Apple does. Like Apple, it has a level of control of its supply chain that promises cost efficiency and design innovation. Ironically, its sister company Samsung Electronics, provides Apple's distinctive apps processor, the A4, which is almost the same as the Hummingbird it makes for Samsung Mobile. But both OEMs have powerful control over their processor evolution and its optimisation for their software platforms.

Samsung plans to smash Android rivals..what about the iPad? • The Register

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