Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Update: OpenOffice.org developers move to break ties with Oracle - Computerworld

This must be a deeply disconcerting development to organizations that are committed to assorted instances of OpenOffice.org (which I’m guessing won’t be easily confused with the vaporous Oracle Cloud Office)

Some developers of the OpenOffice.org desktop productivity suite announced a break from Oracle on Tuesday, introducing a new name for the project and establishing a new foundation to guide its future.

They will distribute a version of the open-source office productivity suite under the name "LibreOffice," under the purview of an independent organization called The Document Foundation.

The move underscores the tensions between the open-source community and Oracle over open-source projects such as OpenOffice.org and the free database application MySQL that were managed by Sun Microsystems before its acquisition by Oracle.

Update: OpenOffice.org developers move to break ties with Oracle - Computerworld

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