Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Apple's iPhone headache: Apple's hostile reception | The Economist

I suspect, per Fake Steve’s parody in this context, that this meme has already peaked

Yet this raises an obvious question: if the problem is linked to the formula, why has it taken Apple so long to discover it? After all, this isn't the first time that the company has fielded complaints about reception issues on iPhones. And why didn't it bother to check this first, rather than simply telling anyone who would listen that users should simply change the way they hold the phone when using it or buy a protective cover for it that supposedly mitigates the problem?

Lawsuits about the issue filed in America by incensed iPhone 4 buyers may ultimately shed more light on these and other questions. Some bloggers suspect that the company is still refusing to face up to the reality that its antenna design is flawed; they predict that the issue will continue to dog the iPhone 4.

Apple's iPhone headache: Apple's hostile reception | The Economist

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