Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Will Apple's iPad kill Flash? - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine

More fun from One Infinite Loop

Apple has never publicly stated its reasons, but they're easy to guess. The company likely believes Flash is riddled with errors and not worthy of its newest machines. Indeed, the iPad's inability to play Flash wasn't much of a surprise—Flash is also absent from the iPhone and the iPod Touch. And because Apple hasn't allowed it access to key pathways in Mac OS X , Flash is much slower on the Mac than it is on Windows. John Gruber, the Apple-focused blogger who has written several influential posts about Apple's war with Flash, reports that Apple believes Flash is responsible for at least one-third of all the crashes on the Mac OS. At an all-hands meeting with Apple's employees last week, Jobs reportedly unloaded on Adobe, which owns Flash, calling the company lazy and its software ridiculously buggy. The iPad doesn't play Flash because soon no one will be using Flash, he allegedly declared.

Just like, in the reality distortion field, nobody reads anymore (thus dooming Kindle), perhaps…

Will Apple's iPad kill Flash? - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine

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