Another Twitter snapshot; I confess I still don’t see the appeal…
When I first joined Twitter, I felt like I was in a noisy bar where everyone was shouting and nobody was listening.
Soon, I began to decode its many mysteries: how to find a flock of followers, how to talk to them in a medium that blasts to lots of people at once and how to be witty in very tiny doses.
There are thousands of third-party applications built to enhance the Twitter experience -- these are just a few of the popular ones.
Twitpic: Post a photo on Twitpic, and then share the Twitpic link via Twitter.
Twhirl: Desktop software to help you manage your Twitter account, find your @replies and shorten URLs so they can be shared on Twitter.
Tipjoy: A service that lets you send small amounts of cash across Twitter, and then tweet about your donation.
Twibs: A list of businesses on Twitter with links to their Twitter accounts.
TweetDeck: Desktop software that lets people split their tweets into columns, such as @replies, direct messages, groups and keyword searches.
Twitterholic: Ranks Twitter users by number of followers.
Twitturly: Tracks which URLs are most popular on Twitter, based on how many times they've been shared by Twitter users.
Monitter: An easy way to keep tabs on multiple searches on Twitter at the same time.
ReplyDeleteLong time! I trust all is well with you and your family.
Regarding Twitter, it strikes me as interesting that you haven't moved your "reality check" to twitter. Guy Kawasaki does a lot of this type of thing == "Thought this was interesting [link to article, or to his AllTop platform]"
Seems the perfect platform for you -- at least as I see what you do and what Twitter does.
Then the blog could focus on your analysis and opinions, rather than being a kind of redistribution point.
What do you think?