Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why Sergey Brin May Have Disclosed His Risk for Parkinson’s - Bits Blog -

Open-source your DNA... (and, double-bonus, promote your spouse's start-up)

Mr. Brin declined to be interviewed. But my colleague Allen Salkin had some insights into one of Mr. Brin’s possible motives. Allen chatted with Mr. Brin at a New York party on Sept. 9 to promote 23andMe, the DNA-testing company of which Mr. Brin’s wife, Anne Wojcicki, is a co-founder. During their conversation, Mr. Brin said it could be useful to have one’s DNA code open to the public, where it could follow a sort of open-source model. If his data was public, he said, doctors — or anyone who was interested — could look at his results and make suggestions about how he should handle them, offering treatment suggestions if it showed he might be susceptible to a disease.

Why Sergey Brin May Have Disclosed His Risk for Parkinson’s - Bits Blog -

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