Saturday, September 13, 2008

What they'll work on in Microsoft's new B.C. facility > Human Resources Issues

Microsoft is apparently moving away from the Redmond-only model...

Parminder Singh of the MCDC (Microsoft Canada Development Centre) said the facility’s team of software engineers, having expanded from 21 in July 2007 [to 300 now], tackle a variety of tasks including software development and testing, program management, user interface design, system architecture and specifications development, development of system tools, and IT infrastructure development.

The team also engages in research, for instance, in algorithms for mobile Web search, and works on programming languages and tools for the developer community.

The team’s work eventually gets integrated in the Redmond, Wash., development centre along with other contributions from the other centres around the globe, in Ireland, Denmark, Israel, North Carolina, and Massachusetts.

What they'll work on in Microsoft's new B.C. facility > Human Resources Issues

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