Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Planet Google: One Company's Audacious Plan To Organize Everything We Know: Randall Stross

I came across a review of this book this morning in the dead-tree edition of Fortune; annoyingly, the review hasn't been posted on the Fortune web site yet (article title: "Info Seek"; at some point it'll appear as a link on this page). 

An excerpt from the product description:

Based on unprecedented access he received to the highly secretive "Googleplex," acclaimed New York Times columnist Randall Stross takes readers deep inside Google, the most important, most innovative, and most ambitious company of the Internet Age. His revelations demystify the strategy behind the company's recent flurry of bold moves, all driven by the pursuit of a business plan unlike any other: to become the indispensable gatekeeper of all the world's information, the one-stop destination for all our information needs. Will Google succeed? And what are the implications of a single company commanding so much information and knowing so much about us?

I am a major Randall Stross fan -- his earlier books, including The Wizard of Menlo Park (about Thomas Edison), Steve Jobs and the NeXT Big Thing (a controversial but imho excellent c1993 Steve Jobs reality check), and The Microsoft Way, were all useful, timely, and enjoyable reads.

The new Google book is scheduled to be published 2008/09/23; go pre-order a copy... Planet Google: One Company's Audacious Plan To Organize Everything We Know: Randall Stross: Books

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