Wednesday, September 17, 2008

McCain BlackBerry Easily Connects With Gore Internet -

Not a happy press week for the McCain campaign

Holtz-Eakin's gaffe was soon followed by another from Carly Fiorina, the former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard and a senior McCain adviser.

Asked on KTRS Radio in St. Louis whether she thinks Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin "has the experience to run a major company, like Hewlett-Packard," Fiorina answered directly.

"No, I don't," Fiorina responded. "But you know what? That's not what she's running for."

I guess she should know, since HP's board concluded the same thing about her.

Meanwhile, on the "Al Gore invented the Internet" theme and the bizarre "joke" about McCain inventing the Blackberry, check out this Wikipedia article to learn about Gore's numerous and substantive contributions to the development of the commercial Internet.  The residual controversy in this context is a timely reminder of how deeply damaging the culture of cynical slime fostered by Karl Rove et al can become.

McCain BlackBerry Easily Connects With Gore Internet -

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