Thursday, September 11, 2008

Event Summary: Traction Software's Third Annual Traction User Group [TUG] Meeting

This year's TUG event will be held 10/6 - 10/8 at a great location (and one very convenient, if you happen to be in the DC area).  An excerpt from the event description:

The annual Traction User Group meeting is a unique opportunity to see what's new and planned for Traction TeamPage, talk in person with the TeamPage product team, give your own feedback on Traction's products and direction, and learn from peers and their experiences. There's no better opportunity to get up to speed on real, in depth, Enterprise 2.0 case studies presented by Traction customers.
We welcome users, prospects, analysts and industry onlookers who are interested learning more about the deployment and use of Enterprise 2.0 software, and the future of knowledge management.

The Traction gang has given me the opportunity to present my view of the collaboration/info management state-of-the-market at TUG 2008; I'll be presenting a session titled "A Hypertext Reality Check: Hypertext's Expanding Role in Enterprise Information Architecture" (on 10/6).

This will be my second TUG event; I had the privilege to attend TUG 2007 as a presenter as well, and remain very impressed with Traction's vision, strategy, products, and customer success stories. 

If you're focused on "Enterprise 2.0" market dynamics and want to explore best-practices/leading-edge products and customer solutions, you should seriously consider attending TUG 2008.

Event Summary: Traction Software's Third Annual Traction User Group Meeting

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