Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Servers in the home remain scarce | Beyond Binary - A blog by Ina Fried - CNET

Interesting checkpoint for WHS -- which I continue to find invaluable

Microsoft's target group is people with a home network, more than one PC and a lot of music, video, photos, and other files that they want to share. The problem, Gownder said, is that only the techiest of that bunch even know that a server could be the best answer. And even among those, Microsoft hasn't yet clearly demonstrated why it is better than other options, such as adding an external hard drive or network storage or using an online service.

The selling point of Windows Home Server is supposed to be its ability to do other things, but thus far, there has not been the proverbial "killer app."

Servers in the home remain scarce | Beyond Binary - A blog by Ina Fried - CNET

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