Thursday, January 31, 2008

Brian Jones: Open XML Formats : Buzzword now supports reading and writing Open XML

Imho, this is a very pragmatic and customer-focused move on Adobe's part

We had all the noise last week about IBM supporting Open XML in a number of their products. Today I learned that Adobe's Buzzword, a web based wordprocessor, now supports reading and writing .docx files. Very cool:

I think they also have plans on supporting ODF, but it's not clear when that will be available.

Brian Jones: Open XML Formats : Buzzword now supports reading and writing Open XML

1 comment:

  1. p.s. in case anyone else is keeping track, this update from Adobe addresses point #18 in the ODF Alliance response to the Burton Group ODF/OOXML overview. Guy Creese and I will address the rest of the ODF Alliance concerns next week; stay tuned for details.


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