Having Google manage my personal health info? Not a laughing matter, imho.
Noting the incredible rate at which the health industry generates data (two billion X-rays per year, 200 petabytes of data), Marissa Mayer, Google’s vice president of search products and user experience, said Google is developing a prototype online platform that will organize it. “If you look at health care, there’s already a huge user need, people are already using Google more than any other tool on the Web to find health information,” Mayer said. “And the health-care industry generates a huge amount of information every year. It’s a natural core competency for us, to understand how to organize all that data.”
Beyond that, Mayer had little else to offer but a schtick-in-need-of-a-laugh-track “Top 10 List of Things You Might See From Google Health.” Among them, Google paternity search, Viagra spam for Gmail users who truly need it, and an “I’m feeling yucky” button.
Web 2.0 Summit: Google’s Marissa Mayer | Digital Daily | John Paczkowski | AllThingsD
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