Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Adobe's AIR: Niche or the future of desktop development? | Tech news blog - CNET

More MAX coverage from Martin LaMonica 

Rather than compete head-on against Microsoft and Java vendors for developer interest, Adobe's focus is on Web technologies and services, chief software architect Kevin Lynch said Monday at the company's Max conference here.

"Microsoft is trying to bring the .Net community to the Web. We are really focused on bringing the larger Web community to the desktop. It's two different approaches. It's not a head-on thing--it's just two groups of developers," Lynch said. "Our bet is on the Web."

One word I'm surprised I haven't seen more often in the MAX coverage this week: Silverlight

Also see this article for a summary of planned Adobe services.

Adobe's AIR: Niche or the future of desktop development? | Tech news blog - CNET

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