Sunday, August 19, 2007

Seeing Corporate Fingerprints in Wikipedia Edits - New York Times

Timely reality check -- see the full article for examples of dubious Wikipedia editing

WikiScanner is the work of Virgil Griffith, 24, a cognitive scientist who is a visiting researcher at the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico. Mr. Griffith, who spent two weeks this summer writing the software for the site, said he got interested in creating such a tool last year after hearing of members of Congress who were editing their own entries.

Mr. Griffith said he “was expecting a few people to get nailed pretty hard” after his service became public. “The yield, in terms of public relations disasters, is about what I expected.”

Seeing Corporate Fingerprints in Wikipedia Edits - New York Times

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:45 PM

    And here I thought the info on Wikipedia, was fairly accurate and yet from reading some info about what you do, some gov't. agencies edit what they put on Wikipedia.
    There's nothing been said yet...about scammers using Wikipedia to vent vulgarities. I tried to e-mail someone, anyone at e-mails given.


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