Friday, December 15, 2006

Jeff Raikes interview -- the whole thing from Guardian Unlimited: Technology

Read the full interview for more on Office 2007, web-centric Office scenarios, etc.  Via Scoble

Jack Schofield: Before we get going, did you write the Gates memo?

JR: Which memo are you referring to?

JS: The 1985 memo that Bill Gates sent to Apple, saying "you ought to license Mac OS to make it an industry standard." (

JR: I did. It's funny, there's a great irony in that memo, in that I was absolutely sincere in wanting the Macintosh to succeed, because that was the heart of our applications business at the time. And Apple somehow decided it was a devious plot and that I was the devil....

The irony is that I think if they'd taken the advice in the memo, we'd probably have ended up seeing the Mac be more successful and Windows perhaps not quite as successful, so I guess it all worked out OK in the end!

Source: Jeff Raikes interview -- the whole thing from Guardian Unlimited: Technology

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