Friday, July 28, 2006

Windows Live Spaces to Take on Social Networking Services

Read the full article for details on MSN Spaces => Windows Live Spaces.  Excerpt: 

So far, MSN Spaces has proven to be enormously popular. The service sports 123 million unique users, with roughly 3 million users visiting MSN Spaces every second. Users upload six million photos to the service every day, requiring 1TB of additional storage every nine days. To put these numbers in perspective, it took MSN Messenger six years to reach 160 million users: MSN Spaces will reach 130 million users in only 18 months.

Source: Windows Live Spaces to Take on Social Networking Services

1 comment:

  1. Considerable geographic variability, from what I've heard, e.g., huge in highly broadband-penetrated places such as South Korea.


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