Ray Kurzweil: IT Will Be Everything - Computerworld: "And what do you mean when you say people will 'merge' with their technology?
We'll be able to put intelligent machines -- nanobots -- into the bloodstream. By the late 2020s, these devices will have significant computing, communications and robotic abilities. Nanobotic white blood cells could download software for a particular pathogen and destroy it in a matter of seconds, compared with hours for our biological white blood cells. And you could have billions of nanobots go into the brain through the capillaries. [They] will enhance our cognitive functions and really expand human intelligence.
We will be able to go beyond the limits of biology and replace your current 'human body Version 1.0' with a dramatically upgraded Version 2.0, providing radical extension of life."
For a timely and thorough review of related scenarios (which the author calls heaven [Kurzweil et al], hell [e.g., Bill Joy's perspective], prevail, and transcend), check out Radical Evolution.
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