Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Lives of Teenagers Now: Open Blogs, Not Locked Diaries - New York Times

The Lives of Teenagers Now: Open Blogs, Not Locked Diaries - New York Times: "According to the Pew survey, 57 percent of all teenagers between 12 and 17 who are active online - about 12 million - create digital content, from building Web pages to sharing original artwork, photos and stories to remixing content found elsewhere on the Web. Some 20 percent publish their own Web logs.
From school libraries and living rooms, millions of teenagers are staking out cyberterritory in places like, and, where they matter-of-factly construct their individual online presence, often to the chagrin of parents and schoolteachers who have belatedly discovered whole nations of teenagers churning out content under their noses."

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