Sunday, May 15, 2005

Silicon Valley Watcher: IBM is preparing to launch a massive corporate wide blogging initiative as it seeks to extend its expertise online

Silicon Valley Watcher: IBM is preparing to launch a massive corporate wide blogging initiative as it seeks to extend its expertise online: "Early next week IBM will introduce what could be the largest corporate blogging initiative so far, in a bid to encourage any of its 320,000 staff to become more active in online tech communities.
The world's largest computer company has prepared a broad range of programs and online materials that staff can access to find out how they can start to blog. The move would help establish IBM's 'thought leadership' in global IT markets.
IBM used wiki, a simple technology that allows groups to collaborate on projects and share knowledge, to help produce the guidelines for its corporate bloggers.
Wikis are not as sophisticated as IBM's Notes collaborative software, but they are making some inroads into corporate departments where they sometimes displace the use of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for small applications."

Via Ed Brill, naturally...

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