Friday, March 18, 2005

[print version] Skype goes for the gold | CNET

[print version] Skype goes for the gold | CNET "The Luxembourg-based upstart has so far signed up 29 million registered users for its free Net phone calling software--a unique version of voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP--making it one of the fastest-growing services on the Net. Now it's aiming to milk profits from the swelling ranks of freeloaders with paid services that promise to make its Net-only product significantly more useful to consumers--and potentially more lethal to traditional phone providers.
Skype's costs are bound up almost entirely in payroll--currently about 100 employees--and related expenses, such as travel, Zennstrom, said.
Ultimately, Zennstrom said, there will be only one network--the Internet--making SkypeIn and SkypeOut superfluous. But that could take years to come, giving Skype plenty of time to develop new paid services. He said the company is working on offering a video calling feature, but declined to comment on when it would be available, or whether it would be a free or paid service."

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