Friday, January 28, 2005

vowe dot net :: Microsoft Booth Babes @ Lotusphere [with Nick Shelness comment]

vowe dot net :: Microsoft Booth Babes @ Lotusphere [with Nick Shelness comment]: "Sametime-Paul, Demo-Gary and Security-Charlie. Gary was formerly with Lotus, Paul and Charlie with Iris Associates. If you watch closely, you can see the Iris logo on their green shirts. Honi soit qui mal y pense."

Priceless snapshot from the Lotusphere exhibit hall. More Lotusphere impressions to follow.

Interesting comment/response to the blog post:

"It is one of my great sadnesses, that I and others were unable to convince IBM to provide a climate in which the vast majority of those who provided Lotus' inovative drive would continue to do so. It is interesting that Microsoft has chosen to do so, not only for ex Loti/Iri but for those who provided that drive at DEC (Butler Lampson, Chuck Thacker, Jim Gray, Bill Laing - my best friend, ...), SUN, IBM, etc.
— Nick Shelness, 2005-01-27 23:42"

BTW from
"Honi soit qui mal y pense [...] is the motto of the Order of the Garter. It's French for 'shamed be the person who thinks evil of it'."

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