Friday, May 21, 2004

Micro Persuasion: Pearl Harbor II: Is Bill Gates on the Blogging Warpath?

Micro Persuasion: Pearl Harbor II: Is Bill Gates on the Blogging Warpath?: "Reading through the news coverage and transcript of Bill Gates' ode to blogging, I cannot help but feel that the blogosphere changed today. It feels very much like 1995 all over again.
Gates' remarks were reminiscent of the infamous Pearl Harbor Day email he sent to his troops nearly a decade ago, in which he 'declared war' on the then nascent World Wide Web. At that time, few of us were on the Web. It was still the realm of techies, much like Weblogs and RSS today.
The potential murkier side of the story is that underneath the softer bloggier side that Bill Gates showed today was an veiled declaration of war on Six Apart, Userland, Google and anyone else who makes blogging and wiki publishing tools. Did Bill Gates throw a pebble in the blogosphere pond today? Time will tell. It will be interesting to hear others' perspectives in the blogosphere on the day's events."

Okay, so not everyone in the blogosphere is sanguine... Via Scobleizer, fittingly.

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