Friday, May 14, 2004 Oracle's Web Conferencing Update Oracle's Web Conferencing Update "The Web conferencing component of the Oracle Collaboration Suite has been around for about 10 months. Oracle recently offered Line56 an update on traction. According to Michael Miller, senior director of product management for Oracle Web Conferencing, there are 3,000 companies currently running trial versions of Web conferencing and 2,000 total customers for Oracle Collaboration Suite, which is about two years old. It costs $60 per user per month.
Further leverage comes from Oracle's ability to piggyback contextual collaboration atop the applications it already owns within the installed base. Specifically, Web conferencing can be accessed from within Oracle-owned applications, like calendaring, e-mail, and the portal. However, outside the realm of the installed base, Oracle isn't the first company that comes to mind in this context, Gotta concludes. "Oracle Collaboration Suite is a work in progress."

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