Friday, March 26, 2004

InfoWorld: Update: IBM, HP sign agreements with Novell on Suse Linux: March 24, 2004: By : HARDWARE : PLATFORMS

InfoWorld: Update: IBM, HP sign agreements with Novell on Suse Linux: March 24, 2004: By : HARDWARE : PLATFORMS: "IBM works with both Red Hat Inc.'s Linux and Novell's Suse Linux, said Scott Handy, IBM's vice president of Linux strategy and market development. If a customer decides to use Linux, IBM will provide them with the free operating system from Red Hat or Novell's Suse Linux, depending on what the customer wants.
'We are distribution agnostic, and we leave it to the customer to decide. They choose one or other for a variety of reasons,' Handy said."

IBM is also apparently communication/collaboration "agnostic" to some degree; Handy also said, during his part of a Novell BrainShare keynote Weds, that IBM and Novell will jointly promote Exchange migrations to GroupWise. IBM is also on Microsoft's list of partners who will help you migrate from Notes to Exchange, so perhaps "agnostic" is indeed the right word to use in this context. GuruNet's non-religion-related definition of agnostic: "One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something."

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