Sunday, February 22, 2004

Sneak Peek at Microsoft's Virtual Server

Sneak Peek at Microsoft's Virtual Server "Once relegated to the networked storage sector, virtualization software has become increasingly popular as more and more enterprises seek to simplify the infrastructure in their data centers by pooling or sharing resources from multiple machines and accessing them from a single GUI (define) or console.
Storage systems vendor EMC (Quote, Chart) entered the server virtualization fray by acquiring VMware, universally acknowledged as the largest virtualization provider for Intel-based computing systems. VERITAS software later bought. application virtualization player Ejasent.
In a recent interview, VMware Vice President of Marketing Mike Mullany said he did not anticipate Microsoft and VMware butting heads much because he said Microsoft appears uses virtualization at the application level while VMware concentrates on hardware-based virtualization.
"Microsoft is not interested in server virtualization as a core IT strategy," Mullany told "Microsoft is using virtualization to address the problem of migrating from NT4 and Windows 2000 to Windows Server 2003 and Virtual Server will help them do that."


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