Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Locating computer files without futility and frustration - Lockergnome's RSS Resource

Locating computer files without futility and frustration - Lockergnome's RSS Resource "Wow! Yes you heard me correctly…wow! It has been awhile since I have seen anything this innovative and exciting. I have not been this impressed since I first discovered NewsGator for MS Outlook.
So what has me so blown away? An amazing program called Scopeware. No, this software has nothing to do with my oral hygiene. Scopeware is a program that is accomplishing what the new Windows version code named; “Longhorn” has been promising upon its release. To make file management less of a headache for the average user.
What is Scopeware exactly?
At the risk of over simplifying, it is a total file management solution. One program feature that it offers not only acts as an aggregator, it also takes RSS aggregation to the next level."

Scopeware in the blog headlines twice in a week; also see, e.g., post by Ray Ozzie (and Gelernter link therein)

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