Thursday, September 18, 2003

Web Informant #342, 17 September 2003: Desktop Java is a bad idea

Web Informant #342, 17 September 2003: Desktop Java is a bad idea: "Sun once again is trying to convince us that Java belongs on the desktop. At this week's Network Computing conference, we are once again treated to the delightful wit and wisdom of Scott McNealy poking fun at our industry and making a case for getting rid of the rat's nest of code called Windows that most of us continue to use.
I have only one piece of advice for Scott: If you really want an alternative to Windows, buy a Mac. It runs Unix just fine, has a great and stable graphical desktop environment that for the most part is Redmond-free, and isn't infected every 10 minutes when some kid in eastern Europe figures out the latest vulnerability in RPC.
No, we are stuck with Windows for the time being, and Microsoft knows it. Java on the desktop is an idea that has come and gone. Stick to servers, Scott, and move front and center to fight that battle. Better yet, buy Apple."

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