Thursday, April 24, 2003

Windows Server 2003 by the Numbers: One of the Biggest Product Launches in Microsoft History

Windows Server 2003 by the Numbers: One of the Biggest Product Launches in Microsoft History How many people were involved in the development of Windows Server 2003?
More than 5,000 developers worked over three years to produce the Windows Server 2003 code base. Over 2,500 testers ran assessments and testing. In total, nearly 10,000 people were involved in the project from start to finish
How many lines of code does Windows Server 2003 include?
Around 50 million lines of code.
How many technology advances are built into Windows Server 2003?
The new server platform represents 650 technology advances and enhancements
How many developer resources were put towards security?
As part of the Trustworthy Computing initiative, Microsoft spent more than $200 million training more than 13,000 Windows Division employees on security-focused development techniques and new engineering process, resulting in a line-by-line security review of Windows Server 2003.

(See URL for many more numbers)

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